Business TipsSoOPAK Encyclopedia3 Min Read Evelyn Milleron7 March 2016HOW TO SELECT THE RIGHT APPAREL PACKAGE Many clothing items need to be sold in some sort of packaging. Women’s hosiery, for example, come in a variety of packaging types, from…
Business TipsSoOPAK BrandSoOPAK Encyclopedia2 Min Read Evelyn Milleron2 March 2016WHAT DETAILS SHOULD YOU PROVIDE FOR YOUR MOCKUP PACKAGE? When it’s time to design a new package for your product, it isn’t always easy to tell what it will really look like once it is printed and in…
Business TipsSoOPAK Encyclopedia2 Min Read Evelyn Milleron14 January 20164 TIPS FOR STREAMLINING YOUR PACKAGING You have just created a great product that deserves fantastic packaging. Many times the way a product is packaged will make or break its…
Business TipsSoOPAK Encyclopedia2 Min Read Evelyn Milleron28 September 2015HOW TO GIVE YOUR PACKAGING A FALL SPIN If you have been selling your product for at least a year, then you know taking advantage of seasonal changes in the packaging can boost…
Business TipsSoOPAK Encyclopedia2 Min Read Evelyn Milleron14 September 2015WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR LOGO AND PACKAGING COLLIDE Anyone who runs a business recognizes the importance of branding. Name and logo recognition is one of the best possible ways to grow your…
Business TipsSoOPAK Encyclopedia3 Min Read Evelyn Milleron7 September 2015SHELF STABLE PACKAGING POINTS TO CONSIDER Depending on your company, shelf stable packaging can be a very important factor to keep in mind. Food manufacturers, for example, have to…
Business TipsSoOPAK Encyclopedia2 Min Read Evelyn Milleron24 August 2015QUESTIONS TO ASK BEFORE YOUR FIRST PACKAGING RUN You or your graphics department have just completed the design for your product. Everyone thinks it looks great. You are excited to get your…
Business TipsSoOPAK Encyclopedia2 Min Read Evelyn Milleron17 August 20156 TIPS FOR RE-DESIGNING YOUR PACKAGING When you have used your packaging for a number of years, it could be time to re-design it. In an effort to draw in new consumers, a fresh, new…
Business TipsSoOPAK Encyclopedia2 Min Read Evelyn Milleron3 August 2015WHAT QUALITIES SET THE BEST PACKAGING APART Every single product on the market has to be packaged in some way. At a minimum, packaging serves to keep items safe on their way to their…
Business TipsSoOPAK Encyclopedia3 Min Read Evelyn Milleron20 July 2015PACKAGING MISTAKES THAT COST YOU SALES As a business owner, your primary goal is to boost sales and improve your profit margin. Every single business decision you make will affect…
Business TipsSoOPAK Encyclopedia2 Min Read Evelyn Milleron13 July 2015FIVE TIPS FOR SELECTING A QUALITY PACKAGING COMPANY When it comes time to design your company’s packaging, you want to make sure that you select the best possible packaging company. There are…
Business TipsSoOPAK Encyclopedia3 Min Read Evelyn Milleron29 June 2015USE YOUR PACKAGING TO TARGET MORE SALES The packaging for your product offers a unique opportunity to boost sales by offering almost free advertisement. Since you would have to…