HomeBusiness TipsExploring the Pros and Cons of Rigid Product Packaging

Exploring the Pros and Cons of Rigid Product Packaging

When it comes time to choose your product packaging, one of the most important decisions you will have to make is what type of packaging you want. Rigid packaging is just one of many options, but it is among the most popular. 

What Is Rigid Packaging? 

Rigid packaging refers to packaging that is strong and not very flexible. Examples include glass, metal, cardboard, and hard plastics. 

Rigid packaging can also have specialty papers or even fabrics wrapped around its exterior. This adds an element of style and luxury to its strength. Unsurprisingly, this particular option is primarily found on high-end goods. 

To help decide whether rigid packaging makes sense for you, consider some of the pros and cons of this packaging style. 

Pro: Very Durable (and Protective)

As mentioned, rigid packaging is sturdier than other types of packaging, such as folding cartons. This makes the packaging more durable, giving your product more protection, whether it is in transit or on a shelf at the store. 

As you know, the better protected your product is, the less likely you are to have to spend money on refunds or exchanges. 

The reduced risk of your product being damaged will also help customer satisfaction. After all, customers don’t want to have to deal with the hassle of a return or exchange. 

Con: Cannot Fold Flat

The downside of rigid packaging’s durability is that you cannot fold it flat. While this is fine once your product is inside, it is not necessarily great news before you get to that step. You’d have to transport the boxes fully (or mostly) assembled. 

By contrast, you could transport folding cartons flat and then turn them into their box shape right before filling them. This means that rigid packaging takes up more room in shipping trucks and warehouses than other types of packaging. That extra space directly leads to higher costs. 

Caveat: Some Can Fold Flat

While it is typically true that rigid packaging cannot fold flat, there are some rare exceptions to this. However, the collapsibility of these boxes may increase the price or decrease the durability. 

Pro: Increases Perception of Product

As mentioned, rigid packaging is particularly popular for high-end products. This association means that simply using this type of packaging can elevate the appearance of your product. That perceived luxury may let you increase your price or appeal to a different clientele. At the very least, it will lead customers to associate your product with quality. 

Con: Increases Your Costs

The materials and labor needed to make rigid packaging tend to add up to more than they would for other types of packaging. This is especially true when you compare it to more standard cardboard boxes.

Sturdy Packaging May Be Enough

If you aren’t sure whether you need rigid packaging, then you will likely be fine with any style of packaging, as long as it is well made. 

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