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HomePackaging Knowledge (Page 3)

Anyone who has seen the waste of packaging on Christmas morning understands it is the item inside that matters most. There are literally tons

As a frozen food company, you need to ensure that your packaging protects your product while also attracting customers. You will have to decide

You know that product packaging protects your product from damage in transit, but what about security? Depending on your industry and the style and

When designing your package or even redesigning your packaging, there are a lot of factors to consider. You want to make sure you create

It’s no secret that sustainability is one of the biggest trends in product packaging – and it has been for several years. But many

As you plan your product packaging, you will have a lot of decisions to make, including what type of coating to choose. Take a

Learning about common mistakes is a great way to avoid them, as you know what to look for. There is plenty of advice highlighting

When it comes to product packaging, there are a lot of factors to consider, including your target audience. A lot of product packaging has

With the push toward sustainability and eco-friendliness, most companies are looking for small things they can do to be greener. While you can do