HomeBusiness TipsBayer’s Sustainability Challenge for Tubes and Sachets: What It Means for Your Packaging

Bayer’s Sustainability Challenge for Tubes and Sachets: What It Means for Your Packaging

In recent years, many brands have changed their product packaging to boost their eco-friendliness and sustainability. The recent challenge from Bayer is one of the latest examples of this. Take a closer look at the challenge as well as what it means for your product packaging.

The Challenge

Bayer and yet2 are working together to find technologies to help Bayer become climate neutral and reach net zero. As a refresher, Bayer aims to be climate neutral by the year 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.

This challenge is for innovators and technologists to create eco-friendly packaging designs for Bayer’s pharmaceutical products. Specifically, Bayer and yet2 are looking for packaging that is one (or more) of the following:

  • Edible
  • Compostable
  • Dissolvable
  • Biodegradable

The challenge is specifically for sachets and rigid or flexible tubes. The partnership aims to find packaging ideas that are:

  • Scalable
  • Cost-effective
  • Compatible with the current packaging production lines
  • Sourced from renewably sourced or biobased materials
  • Meet specified rates for oxygen transmission and water vaper
  • Validated by an independent third party for compostability and biodegradability

Additionally, Bayer hopes to find barrier films that they can use with renewably sourced and biodegradable materials. Specifically, those barrier films shouldn’t affect the ability to biodegrade the packaging at the end of its life.

Application Process

Submissions opened on Sept. 1, and Bayer will receive and review submissions until well into October. Applicants were advised not to provide confidential information. Instead, they needed to provide a tech overview, the data on oxygen transmission and water vapor transmission, scale, patents, and other supporting details.

Why It Matters for You

Even if you have zero interest in participating in the sustainability challenge, it serves to reinforce the trend of eco-friendliness. Remember that while Bayer is in the pharmaceutical industry, this trend applies across all industries.

The Eco-Friendly Trend

The bottom line is that it highlights that major brands are working hard to reduce their environmental impact, and your company should be doing the same. A good amount of this eco-friendliness will come from product packaging.

Solutions Are Still Being Developed

The other important takeaway from this challenge is that we are nowhere near having discovered all the potential eco-friendly solutions. The packaging industry is likely to continue evolving as we discover new sustainable materials, and this will be an ongoing trend.

What You Should Do

Smart companies will use this as a reminder of the importance of sustainable product packaging. If major international brands like Bayer are willing to invest in it, then it is safe to assume that it is the future. So, you should follow suit and rethink your sustainability.

While you likely don’t have the resources to offer a contest for eco-friendly packaging, you do have other options. You can look for recyclable, recycled, or biodegradable materials. You can reduce your reliance on plastics and other single-use materials.

Even if you can’t switch materials, you can rethink your packaging design to reduce the amount of material used. Or you can evaluate other processes, such as your supply chain, in search of efficiency.


Bayer and yet2 recently issued a challenge for innovators to create eco-friendly packaging for sachets and tubes. This is yet another recent example of the importance of sustainability and should encourage companies to see what they can do to reduce the impact of their product packaging.

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